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Saturday, May 19, 2007

the whore is in denial of her fate

Check out this outrage from MSNBC.

The latest version of their bi-weekly Republican presidential candidate rankings shows Ron Paul "last" and 12th in terms of electability, including 2 undeclared candidates (Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich). Under Ron Paul's description they simply state "Just please stop e-mailing us. Thanks."

Those poor media whores, their condition is terminal but they just can't seem to progress from the "denial" stage to "acceptance". Perhaps another few thousand e-mails in support of Ron Paul will do them some good.


Blogger Unknown said...

If that didn't annoy me so much as a Paul supporter, I'd just find it ludicrous. Paul has almost 18,000 Myspace friends, almost 7000 Facebook friends, over 5500 Youtube channel subscribers, has over 4000 supporters, has been the top-searched item on for two weeks, and consistently wins almost every poll anywhere. His poll numbers aren't high, but they're higher than at least a good 3 or 4 of the other candidates' numbers, and his fundraising in the first quarter placed him only sixth among the candidates (and has reportedly gone quite well this quarter).

And yet considering ALL that, he places 12th in that candidate rating? Below Gilmore, Tancredo, Hunter, Thompson, and others who according to their fundraising efforts, level of internet support, and placing in scientific polls do NOT have a Paulian level of support? That's just laughable.

2:11 AM  

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