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Monday, May 15, 2006

kurzweil's keynote

Ray Kurzweil recently gave a key-note speech at the 2006 Bio IT World Life Sciences Conference. This article about the talk from the May issue of Bio IT World magazine is a month old, but I just noticed it because I just received the hard-copy in the mail.
“We are the species that goes beyond its limitations. We didn’t stay on the ground. We didn’t stay on the planet. We didn’t stay within the limitations of our biology. I believe within 10 or 15 years, we will add more than a year every year to he remaining years of life expectancy, so as you go forward your remaining life expectancy will move away from you, so just hang in there another 10 or 15 years,” he said.
With all the crap we keep hearing from human-hating greenies, it's refreshing to hear from somebody like Kurzweil who points out our species' superiority and likely coming achievements.


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